Water Distribution Pipelines to 315mm


Years experience in PE pipe machinery

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Client: Weldpoly
Location: Hassan, India
Equipment: Worldpoly315

During the past few months Ganesh Malpani of Weldpoly in India, a Worldpoly licensed distributor, has conducted successful training and installation of Worldpoly equipment in Hassan, Karnataka, Western India.

The 5-hour drive to the site from Bangalore Airport lets you witness the multitude of rural development projects happening in India. The region is seeing unprecedented service upgrades, and you’d be hard-pressed to miss all the poly going in the ground. This is a great sign for the area, as water distribution projects sponsored by the local government mean a sharp increase in standards of living is not far off.
The city of Hassan dates from beginnings of the Hoysala Empire in the 11th century, and the area has a rich cultural history, as clearly seen in the various protected religious sites scattered around the region.
The majority of projects are currently focusing on freshwater distribution, and for a vast number of clients in the region, Worldpoly field welders are their go-to units. Contractors are able to bid and quote projects including Worldpoly equipment knowing that the gear is generally in stock in Mumbai from 50mm – 630mm.

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