Bends, Tees, Crosses and Y-branch Fittings to 1200mm


Years experience in PE pipe machinery

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Client: RSP
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Equipment: PolyWorkshop1200, PolySaw1200

Worldpoly client RSP in Egypt recently installed a new 1200mm polyethylene pipe extruder, and contacted us to commission and train their staff in the use of their new PolyWorkshop1200 fabrication machine and PolySaw1200 pipe saw.

Jordan Hall travelled from Melbourne, Australia to Cairo, Egypt to complete the commissioning.

The new PolyWorkshop1200 fabrication machine, which has a welding range of 1200mm – 630mm across elbows, tees & crosses and Y-bends, includes an array of updated features including:

  • Hydraulic open/close/locking main clamps
  • Touchscreen CNC controlled with password adjustable welding parameters

The PolySaw1200 has also received an update, with new features including:

  • Auto pipe feeder
  • Low-profile
  • Data logging
  • Smaller overall footprint and weight

The client had previously purchased domestic equipment direct from China, and when the units required servicing and parts they were told that this wasn’t available. This left them with unusable machines they were planning on using for years to come that had to be scrapped.

Fittings produced during commissioning included 1200mm 45-degree elbow & cross which were externally tested, providing RSP with the required licence to sell pressure fittings.

All Worldpoly machines are delivered as standard with selected spare parts, and if more a required they are a simple phone call or email away. The majority of cities across the globe we dispatch parts to will receive them within days, and we’re yet to find a delivery address too remote to successfully deliver to. If our customers are happy, then we are too.

Before flying on to IFAT in Munich, Jordan was able to hitch a ride on a camel and brave the 40C (104F) heat to check out the classic sites of Cairo.



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